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Highest Nintendo Wii Tennis Score 2400

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After approximately 900 hours of playing Nintendo Wii Tennis, I have finally topped the charts as the first person to reach a 2400 skill level. I was able to reach 2399 (the previous Wii Tennis high score) about 30 hours into the game. To achieve the 2400 rating took much determination. After studying the ELO Rating system which I believe to be the model for Nintendo Wii’s Skill level rating system, I was able to figure out the mathematical equation. The system is based on diminishing returns which factors in several statistics of every game you have ever played. These factors include primarily current skill level of both opponents, and outcome of game. Secondary factors included power serves, number of volleys, volley times, and distribution of players used.

I first had to create a new Mii, believing that even 1 point scored against me in any game throughout my entire career would hinder me from reaching 2400 points. I then proceeded to work my way up the charts.

After reaching a 2399 ranking, I redid the math to figure out the new scoring matrix (rounding the ELO system, and going to the thousandth of a point) to calculate how many points I would get per win against 1900, and 2000 skill level opponents. Believing I would gain less than 0.010 of a point per perfect win, I proceeded to play between 8 and 12 hours a night, or until I won 250 games. This gave me an estimated time to reach my goal of 10000 wins and 20000 wins (figuring each win to earn between 0.00005 and 0.0001 of a point). With this in mind, I set out to get a 2400 skill level in as little as 40 days (80 days being my pessimistic high).

Overall I won nearly 20,000 games, 99.9% of those against the two best players. I did however have to restart hundreds of games if my opponents scored against me. I believed for a long time that in doing so, the game would automatically lock me out from achieving a 2400 skill level. After about 3 weeks I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to reach the score and stopped for a few days. I got back into it after reading about current Nintendo Emulators, and decided that games restarted probably wouldn’t store any data and would simply start the game over.

I played as a 2399 skill level player for 78 days; this didn’t include the 3 days I took off in December. My ELO system math was pretty accurate, although I never determined the actual score I had when I reach 2399 (I believe it to be around 2399.002) this would mean that every win I got from then on, would count for 0.0005 of a point.

Sadly, Wii Tennis has lost all appeal to me, I’ve vowed to not play it again until I can play online against real people!

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